Amie Angelastro, OTR/LMACHT 743 Country Club Road Eugene, OR 97401 541-349-0074
A Certified Hand Therapist (CHT) is an occupational or physical therapist who has a minimum of five years of clinical experience, including 2,000 hours or more in direct practice of hand therapy. In addition, the CHT must successfully pass a comprehensive test of advanced clinical skills and theory in upper extremity rehabilitation. A CHT is part of an exceptional group of therapists who have demonstrated their professional commitment to excellence.
committed to excellence
diagnosis & evaluation
caring competence
Common Diagnosis Managed by
Certified Hand Therapists:
Tendon Injuries
Nerve Injuries
Nerve Compressions
Tumors or Cysts
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Sprains or Strains
Congenital Problems
Dupuytren's Contracture
Certified Hand Therapists Are Skilled
in Evaluating and Treating:
Wounds & Scars
Strength & Endurance
Range of Motion
Activities of Daily Living
Custom Splinting
People value the use of their hands.
Any loss of function, whether congenital or through injury or accident, can devastate lives. a CHT offers the assurance that the highest level of competency will be used in diagnosing, evaluating, treating and rehabilitating hand problems or dysfunctions.